ASI Goals

Spiritual encouragement. Provide a forum for spiritual encouragement, to train the members to imitate Christ in their businesses and professional life.

Professional Growth. To reinforce the adventist professionals’ and businesspersons’ gifts and make provisions for their professional growth, by ways of seminars, confrences and appropriate workshops.

Commercial network. Allow that there be a formal and informal link between the businesspeople and professional adventists, to facilitate the mutual support, the product advertisement and the commercial growth.

Harmony. Motivate businesspeople and professionals to conduct their activities in complete harmony with the rules and objectives of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, and to maintain harmonious relationships while working in society with the church and its leaders.

Focus on the mission. Prepare the ASI partners to concentrate on the church’s mission, using their spiritual, human and financial resources, indivudually and collectively, for the proclamation of the Gospel while in the workfield.

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Sabbath Time

Place: guyana

Start: 06:07 PM, Mar 14 2025

End: 06:07 PM, Mar 15 2025